Saturday, June 9, 2012

Entry 6: RE: "Snow White" - Even the apples are computer generated!

Posted by Chad Van Alstin

Ok, really? Did you really not think Snow White was loaded with CGI? There's so much damn CGI here that at times it actually starts to bother me. How many times did someone get hit with a sword only to shatter into glass, turn into butterflies, or morph into a flock of birds?

Even the apple given to Snow White by the Evil Queen is computer generated. 

There's a lot of CGI here. If you're looking for a movie that's limited on the CGI and instead focuses more on set design and actors, I may have some examples (wink, wink). See, this is where talking about Snow White with you is going to be really hard; we can't even agree about what was on screen.

What I saw was a film loaded with CGI in virtually every background and every scene. While most of it looked great, it still relies entirely on CGI to give the film its look and feel.

I have no idea what movie you saw, but we didn't see the same one.

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