Saturday, May 12, 2012

Entry 10: RE: "Avengers" - GalaGag

Posted by: Bradley Redder

I know you said this was unnecessary. I know you said that you didn't think much of the Galaga joke, but both times I saw The Avengers, this moment received resounding laughter and even applause. I'm not bringing it up simply because I didn't find it funny; I can actually see why people laughed. I bring it up because it exemplifies a few different issues I have with this film. First up... Joss Whedon: Ball Hog.

I have made it clear several times over that I thought this film was far too jokey, and in my review I mention that sometimes jokes stumble other other jokes. There is no better example than the Galaga bit. I know you've seen it twice, Chad, but for those who don't remember, the scene begins with Tony Stark arriving on the flying aircraft carrier. He charges into the command center and makes himself the center of attention, cracks a few jokes about how inefficient the operation is, then points at a guy off screen and says, "This guy's playing Galaga. He thought we wouldn't notice... But we did!" And it's great. Very funny. A perfect Tony Stark moment. Of course, the scene ends, and Whedon cuts to the guy Stark pointed at, who turns back to his screen and brings up a paused game of Galaga. Hahah-awful. It's funny for a second, until you realize how superficial it is. Whedon turns a perfectly funny and character specific quality joke, and steals it for himself and turns it into a cheap gag, for now we realize Stark wasn't making a joke, but literally pointing out something that was happening in the room. The line could just as easily been, "That guy's tying his shoe. He thought we wouldn't notice... But we did." Very selfish. Very lazy.

But this goes a little deeper as well. I have made the case that the over-abundance of humor prevents me from taking anything seriously. This is the crowning example. This guy is part of S.H.I.E.L.D., a super secret intelligence organization; he is in an invisible flying aircraft carrier trying to track down a god from another world who is bent on ruling the planet... And he's playing Galaga? To modify a Jerry Seinfeld joke: "What does it take to get a job with S.H.I.E.L.D.? I think all you need is a face. That seems to be their big qualification." But seriously, what does it take? And how am I supposed to take any of this seriously if even the extras in the background don't? Leave the jokes to the characters with names. I know it's all just supposed to be fun, but at least keep up the pretense that these people actually have a role in the situation.

It also kind of annoys me, as a Galaga fan, that was not an official version of Galaga. It was played on a wide screen, and the fighters were moving far too quickly to be Galaga.

Also, did you notice my clever title? GalaGag! It's the name of the game, or at least some online Shockwave version of it, being referenced, but also the word "gag," because it's also referring to a joke! On yet another level, the "-Gag" portion of the title refers to the moment initiating my gag reflex... That's what happens when something gets shoved down your throat. I'm so clever, right? Is this annoying? Did I beat the joke into the ground? Good, because I was doing my prose impression of Joss Whedon.

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